The Briar Patch
Hi! Welcome to the Briar Patch!
I'm Andrew(he/him), the Creative Yarn Officer of the Briar Patch. I've been knitting for about 6 years, and crocheting for 2. Knitting has always been an unwinding tool for me to relax after a long day. And the more and more I explore the wonderful world of fibre arts, the deeper I fell in love adding weaving and spinning to my repertoire of skills
Pride is a year-round holiday for me. I am entirely out and proud to be gay and I try to make sure that is evident in everything I do. As much as my clothes represent a Wednesday Addams aesthetic, my personality is anything but.
"Briar Patch" comes from my love of nature. I knew I wanted to incorporate nature into my name somehow and I enjoy the juxtaposition of a Briar Patch being pointy and sharp and the soft delicate nature of yarn and fiber.
I live in Hendersonville, NC with my partner, our two dogs (Ollie and Diesel), and two cats (Basil and Sage). When I'm not knitting I'm usually drinking tea or coffee depending on how much more energy I need to get everything I need to get done, done.
As of 2024, I am opening a yarn shop of my own in Hendersonville, NC! I hope you come by for a visit!
Happy Pride, Y'all!

At the Horseshoe Gap Village
Come visit the smallest little yarn shop in the Western North Carolina Mountains! Located in an Artisan Village between Hendersonville and Horsehoe, North Carolina, my shop is the perfect space to showcase my yarns and bags, and also host some yarns from Universal Yarns and some wonderful notions for crafters of all ages and skill levels.
One facet I am truly in love with is my "Take a skein, Leave a Skein" bin. We all have yarns we bought because we loved them on the wall, but then we get home and they sit in our stashes forever, slowly loosing their original luster. This is the perfect way to give them that new life to someone else! Bring it by and drop it in, and if you see something you love in there, adopt it! Or if you see something in there you love, it's just $3! My goal with this is to really make this skill a bit more financially accessible to everyone!
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Also in the village:
StoneHaus Crafts - A blacksmith and leatherworker
Asheville Horizons Glass - A fused Glass Artist
Enjoy Home Goods - Upcycled Furniture and Home Goods
ShareWell Coffee House - A cafe serving their house roasted coffee
Pies by Di - A gluten-free (not taste-free) bakery
The Smitten Smiths - A talented group of silversmiths
The Little Corner Shop - A carefully curated antique shop
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Address: 3636 Brevard Rd, Hendersonville, NC 28791
Hours: Thursday through Sunday 9a-4p